Mongstad Tavleteknikk AS


Notification of objectionable conditions

What is notification?

Notification is to move on with objectionable matters to someone who can do something about it. Whistleblowing is anchored in the Working Environment Act, and simply means that all employees have the right and claim to be able to report objectionable conditions in the workplace.

What are objectionable conditions

Criticisms are violations of legal regulations, violations of internal rules or violations of ethical norms. Many people associate reporting with sexual harassment, bullying or other things to do with the working environment. But notification encompasses much more. For example, violations of HSE rules that may cause danger to life, health, the environment and/or climate, abuse of authority and/or violations of personal data security.

The company's responsibility

The notice goes to the HMSK responsible and general manager. The management must take a decision on how to clear up cases that have been notified, and is responsible for further handling. The whistleblower must have feedback within one week. 

Whistleblower's responsibility

The Working Environment Act § 2 A-2 describe how an employee should go about reporting properly. Internal notification to management, shop stewards or safety representatives will always be justified. The same applies to notification to supervisory authorities. If the business has internal notification routines, notification in line with them will of course also be considered appropriate. Notification directly to the media without the matter having been raised internally first, would, on the other hand, be regarded as unjustifiable. The requirement for proper notification also means that the person notifying must be in good faith about the truth of what is being notified. However, there are no strict requirements for the whistleblower's diligence. The decisive factor will be what the whistleblower had reasonable grounds to believe in his or her position and based on the information available to him or her. If the employee has done what is reasonably required to bring the facts to the table, that is sufficient - even if it later turns out that the information was not correct.

How to notify / Here you notify

Normally, transparency will ensure better proceedings and a better result for all parties involved, but reporting can also be done anonymously. We encourage all whistleblowers to give us the best opportunity to clarify the concern. The whistleblower must never be punished, and a whistleblower who experiences punishment or negative consequences as a result of reporting objectionable circumstances must report it to the general manager or HSEK manager, who must immediately deal with such a case.

Contact form for notification